2. Adjacent Quadrangle Names (starting NW and going clockwise): Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Hollywood, Inglewood, Venice, and Topanga.
3. This quadrangle was first created in 1995.
4. The North American Datum of 1927, the North American Datum of 1983, and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 were used to create this map.
5. Scale: 1 : 24,000
a. 5 centimeters on the map = 1,200 meters on the ground
b. 5 inches on the map = 1.89 miles on the ground
c. 1 mile on the ground = 2.65 inches on the map
d. 3 kilometers on the ground = 12.5 centimeters on the map
7. Contour Interval: 20 feet
a. Public Affairs: Latitude: 34*04'25" (34.074*) ; Longitude: 118*26'16" (118.438)
b. Santa Monica Pier: Latitude: 34*00'35" (34.009*) ; Longitude: 118*30'00" (118.500)
c. Franklin Canyon Reservoir: Latitude: 34*06'13" (34.104*) ; Longitude: 118*24'43" (118.412)
a. Greystone Mansion: approx. 520 ft. (158 meters)
b. Woodlawn Cemetery: approx. 140 ft. (43 meters)
c. Crestwood Hills Park: approx. 780 ft. (238 meters)
11. UTM Coordinates (for lower left corner): 361000 E. and 3763000 N.
12. Each cell of the UTM gridlines contain an area of 1,000,000 meters squared.
13. The approximate elevation levels for the coordinates on campus are 520 ft. at the 3771000 N and 366000 E intersection and 440 ft. at the 3771000 N and 367000 E intersection.

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